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Non-Print Resources




This is a great video that informs children of easy energy-saving tips that everyone can take part in! This family carelessy wastes energy without realizing what harm it is causing on their environment. Should we turn off the lights when we leave the room? How about turning off the faucet while brushing our teeth? Let us use our brain and help save the environment by conserving energy!


This website informs children about the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling in their environment. It includes fun games that challenge children to use their knowledge about the "Three R's". The website also includes fun facts about recycling and the world around us, such as this fact:


"Did you know that California has more than 36 million people and everyday each of us throws away about 6 pounds of trash?" 

This is a catchy song about ways we can reduce, reuse, and recycle everyday. The song includes repetition that is easy for children to follow along. It is important to take care of our environment, so use these important tips to GO GREEN in your life!

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